What mood are you choosing today?

mood mask

The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.


What mood are you choosing today? What mood are you choosing when you wake up? Do you choose to answer for rudeness with a smile or you get angry? Do you choose to get upset because of the rainy/cold/stormy weather? Do you choose to hurt the loved one in the heat of the moment? Or you choose to turn situation into a good joke? This is what I call freedom. We free to choose how we respond to the world. Smile or frown - choice that only you can make, because no one else can control your face accept you.. That is our right and no one else in the whole world can not ruin your mood, if you don’t let them get under your skin.

Be positive. See the bright side and maybe world become a better place at least for those people who chose to be around ….