Double Chocolate, please

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“Tell me what you drink, and I will say who you are!”: Psychologists are sure that women do not need to go on dates with the men for months to understand his character. There is another way. You can just look into his glass.

But what if I tell you a real story how a man used this knowledge to find his love?

It was summer after the first year of university. To earn pocket money, I got a waitress job at the “Orange” coffee house. This place has always been famous for its lounge like atmosphere, delicious coffee aroma, blended with crème de la crème of the Chelyabinsk society. As in any cafe, we had regular customers, whom we always welcomed as old friends. We knew all their habits, only a fleeting nod was enough to confirm their usual order as soon as they walk into the door.

We called our regulars among themselves by the names of their favorite drinks…

Senior D’Olla


Senor D’Olla - always had elegant shade of the beard on his face, spotlessly ironed, confident with a fresh newspaper under his arm. Almost every day he spent at least 2 hours in the cafe: reading, negotiating with someone or just seating and watching through the window, while drinking his cinnamon coffee and smoking a cherry hand rolled cigaret.

Mate Boy

Mate Boy always came and ordered a favorite drink of South America - mate, but every time different variations. He loved that cafe served Mate in its original way: in pumpkin calabash with bombilla. By the way, he looked as extraordinary as his taste. Always bright clothes, custom haircuts and stand out accessories.

But today the story is not about them. It is about Mr. Double Chocolate.

Mr. Double Chocolate


He was a pleasant, charismatic middle-aged man, with piercing eyes, in the depths of which a mischievous light played. As you may have guessed, he always ordered a double portion of hot chocolate. It should be noted that hot chocolate in the “Orange” coffee house was a real Aztec drink. It did not look like sweet milky cocoa for kids, it was more like a bar of melted dark chocolate in a glass. As you know, only true connoisseurs of sweets could master at least one serving, not to mention a double .... Mr. Double Chocolate, on the other hand, not only drank everything to the drop, but also never washed out taste of the chocolate with water and lemon, which was invariably served as part of the order.

An additional feature of this guest was his companions. Each time he came to the coffee house with a new lady. Moreover, they were always united by model appearance and youth. He invited them to a “cup of coffee” and never treated them with dinner. It was a ritual of a first date. Many of his companions ordered green tea, unsweetened coffee, or other low-calorie drinks. Several girls, in an attempt to please him, also ordered chocolate. But this idea always failed, because none of them could overpower at least half ... The story went on for several months - as if in a kaleidoscope one model replaced the other until she appeared ...


She was also slender, tall, beautiful, but older than the previous ones. Long hair was cast with a gleam of bitter chocolate. She not only, like him ordered a portion of double chocolate, but also drank everything to the bottom, never once washed down the taste with a sip of water ... From that evening she was his only companion. They came to have dinner together, sometimes breakfast, and once a week drank each a portion of double hot chocolate ...

Unfortunately, I don’t know what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Double Chocolate later, because soon after I changed the status of “employee” to “loyal guest”. But I want to believe that their story continued as sweetly as it began.

And if you still think that the drink is not related to character, then try to remember, what is the favorite drink of your partner, best friend, parents or your own and check it here.